ElephantDrive Vs Carbonite: Which Cloud-Based Backup Solution Offers Better Backup and Restoration Services

March 20, 2022

As we store more sensitive data online, ensuring that it is safe and easily recoverable is becoming ever more important. This has created a need for cloud-based services that provide backup and recovery of data. Two of the most popular cloud backup solutions are ElephantDrive and Carbonite. Both offer reliable services that cater to different types and sizes of businesses.

But which of these two options is the better choice for your business needs? In this article, we will take an unbiased look at both services and compare their backup and restoration capabilities.

Backup Services

When it comes to backing up data in the cloud, both ElephantDrive and Carbonite offer similar features. Both services offer backup scheduling, incremental backups, and encryption. However, ElephantDrive has an edge in backup speeds, offering up to 4 times faster backups than Carbonite.

Restoration Services

While both ElephantDrive and Carbonite offer file restoration, their processes differ. ElephantDrive allows users to recover files directly from the cloud-based interface, and users can recover specific versions of files they have backed up. Carbonite has an additional option to send a physical hard drive with a user's data for faster restoration, although this feature is only available for an additional fee.


When it comes to pricing, ElephantDrive has a simpler per-user subscription model, starting at $10 per user per month, with no additional charges for storage or data restoration. Carbonite's pricing model has multiple tiers with differing storage limits, starting at $6 per user per month, but the higher tiers come with additional data restoration and file retention options that may be useful for businesses requiring high levels of data availability.


Both ElephantDrive and Carbonite are excellent cloud backup solutions that offer reliable backup services. ElephantDrive excels in backup speed while Carbonite offers more affordable pricing tiers and additional hardware restoration options. In the end, the best choice comes down to which service aligns most closely to the needs of your business.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision about which of these two services would be best for your business needs.


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